Friday, September 27, 2013

W ~ WaterMelon MilkShake

Event: Blogging Marathon #32
Theme: Free Choice

In this marathon, we had an option of posting two recipes of our choice given that they don't fall under the already assigned themes. I had decided upon a walnut recipe only to realize at the last moment that it involved baking. I wasn't planning to cook anything elaborate as the last minute frenzy kicked in and went hunting in my refrigerator for any "W" thing I could use. I luckily spotted some watermelon in my freezer and so this recipe happened which is a perfect thirst quencher on a hot day. It had a beautiful pale pink color which my camera couldn't capture well. 
There is no exact recipe when it comes to milkshakes and you can adjust the following ingredients according to preference. Or even add vanilla ice cream to prepare the milkshake. Just blend everything until smooth and serve immediately.

2 cups frozen watermelon cubes
1 cup cold milk
Sugar if needed
1 tsp vanilla essence

Logo courtesy : Preeti



  1. refreshing and soothing milk shake.

  2. Refreshing and delicious,I love watermelon. Do drop by sometime

  3. watermelon is always so refreshing - would love this on a hot summer day

  4. Interesting milkshake..I can gulp down the whole glass even in this cloudy/rainy weather!

  5. Plenty of watermelon shakes today..must try sometime.

  6. Chilled watermelon on a hot summer day Ahhhh lovely.

  7. Waiting for summer so that I can make this...this has been tempting me from many blogs now :-)

  8. Refreshing and delicious drink. Perfect summer thirst quencher.

  9. Perfect for the summer!!!Looks awesome!!
