Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Treat ~ Eggless, 4 Ingredient Nutella Mug Cake

The other day I was finishing off a Nutella mug cake when my daughter entered the kitchen. She stood quietly for a few seconds before asking me what I was doing. It must have come across as a shock seeing mom eating something without sharing it with anyone else. Actually it is not my fault. Apart from me, my son is the only one with a sweet tooth at home and he was not home when I made the mug cake. My husband would not even spare a glance towards these kind of desserts and my daughter doesn't care about Nutella. I said a mug cake and she peeked into the mug and asked whether it was a chocolate one. Though it was not an accusatory tone, I understood what she meant. She is the chocolate fanatic at home and here I was going on without asking her. I thought she may not like it as it has Nutella and told her so. She is a self proclaimed Nutella hater though she loves chocolate and I am not able to understand the reason behind her dislike until now since she has not tasted it even once. Next came the question, "Did Shreyas get it?""I am thinking of preparing him over the weekend as he is going to come home late", I answered her. She stood there for some more seconds watching me enjoying the treat and she couldn't take it anymore. Then came the question whether it really tastes like chocolate. Of  course it would, I told her since Nutella is but chocolate and hazelnut. Finally the temptation won and she gingerly ate a spoonful, and was beaming with joy. Next came the request for a mug cake of her own. And of course I made it in a small measurement for her, the one that is pictured above.

I love mug cakes for the fact that they are super quick to prepare and a small serving of dessert can be enjoyed without any guilt. This Nutella cake from here involves only four ingredients and is very easy to remember the recipe. This yummy microwave cake can be done in one minute or under depending upon the measurements. I have prepared this twice once using milk and once with yogurt. Both turned out good but I am partial towards the yogurt based one. The small measurement one really works if one wants to portion control.
Ingredients for one mug cake:
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup Nutella
3 tbsp. fat free milk / fat free yogurt
1/2 tsp. baking powder

* Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk it until smooth. Add it to a mug that is about 1 & 1/4 cup size.
* Microwave it for about a minute. A sharp knife or a tooth pick inserted should come out clean and the top of the cake should look done by the time. If not done, microwave for another 20 seconds. Don't be tempted to microwave longer since it will dry out. Let it cool before serving

For a small serving, halve the recipe and use a 3/4 cup sized mug. Microwave it for about 40 - 50 seconds.


  1. Mug cakes are so convenient when you do not want the hassle of baking a large cake.

  2. Nutella mug cake sounds & looks delicious

  3. Ah the kids ! I am smiling while reading this post and trying to visualise the mother daughter scene:)) love mug cakes and Suma it's simply awesome qhen you indulge into these amall treats all by yourself ... I toh love it ... Maaza aa jaata hai:))

  4. Nutella is my weakness, needless to say this mug cake is making me drool.

  5. my mouth is watering here!!! so love these delicious mug cakes which are easy, quick and delicious..

  6. I am surprised your daughter has not tasted Nutella and yet not like it..good that she has tasted and might lean towards it..I love this cake and often make it as MW is so quick!

  7. Amazing mug cakes within a minute.. superb

  8. My EO hasn't taken to Nutella n right now is in a no - chocolate phase.. I should try this when she's back to eating chocolate

  9. It is funny how kids have some weird logic as to their likes and dislikes and I guess it is just a passing phase. Mug cake looks awesome. The mug cake has been in my list for ever now.

  10. I cant believe that your daughter hates nutella!! I am sure this cake must have changed her mind :-). It looks moist and delicious

  11. Nutella is considered as a food group in our household. Can't believe your daughter hates it -- is she a convert after tasting this cake?
    That is such a simple and quick recipe -- will definitely try it out for my kids.

  12. Such a simple and yummy looking quick cake for sudden craving..

  13. Perfect treat for sudden carving!! Soo tempting dear..

  14. Such a lovely recipe for late night cravings :)
