Thursday, September 12, 2013

J ~ Jam filled Muffins

Event: Blogging Marathon #32
Theme: Baking
When I was looking for jam filled muffin recipes, I came across this. I must say that I was attracted to it because of the image and the recipe did not disappoint me. It is a keeper though I must admit that it got me into a panic mode when I saw that half way through baking the muffins were not raising as I expected.  The batter was thinner compared to the thick, dense batters I usually whip up for muffins. I was cursing myself for not adding some extra flour to the batter as I was in no mood to cook another "J" dish at the last moment. However they turned out beautifully at the end and tasted really good. And besides they can be a nice surprise to little ones. I guess berry jams work good for this but I have used apricot and fig jams here. Chocolate or peanut butter surprises may replace the jam filled ones.
There is one more thing I like to add here about how jam is added to the muffin batter. I filled the muffin cup with batter half way through, added jam and covered it with some batter. After baking, I realized that the jam has gone to the bottom of the muffins and so had given below the method mentioned in the original recipe. 

Ingredients: (I got 9 muffins.)
1 & 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup milk (For vegan version, use plain soy or rice milk.)
1 tsp cider vinegar
2 Tbsp cornstarch
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter / vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract (I didn't use.)
1/3 cup jam / preserves of your choice (I used apricot jam.)
Powdered sugar, for dusting

* Heat the oven to 350°F. Line a muffin pan with paper liners and set it aside. 
* Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a mixing bowl and make a well in the center
* In another bowl, whisk together milk, vinegar, and cornstarch until the cornstarch is well incorporated. Pour this into the well in the flour mixture. Add sugar, butter/oil, vanilla and stir until combined. (My batter at this point was not on the thicker side like the usual muffin batter.)
* Fill each muffin cup with batter to about 3/4th. Create a small indentation in the batter using a spoon, by slightly spreading it from the middle out toward the edges. Measure a heaping teaspoon of jam/preserves and place the back of the teaspoon inside the indentation. Rotate the spoon, letting the jam slide into the indentation. Repeat in each well.
* Bake until the tops of the muffins are firm, about 20 - 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove the pan onto a wire rack and let cool. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.

Logo courtesy : Preeti



  1. Love these muffins. Very tempting.

  2. jam filled muffins look so spongy and moist :) lovely presentation dear !!

  3. A sweet treat of a surprise in a bite.

  4. Cant resist to that oozing jammy muffins, drooling here.

  5. jam oozing muffins...scrumptious

  6. Very tempting muffins..I was also wondering how the jam should be embedded! Shall have to try out the method outlined in the recipe.

  7. Oh these would taste so the oozing jam.

  8. Those jam filled muffins look too good.

  9. Cute looking muffins with a interesting center..

  10. Nice colour co ordination Suma..all the yellow looks very pretty..and muffins are surely seems to be winner..

  11. I wouldn't have expected the jam to sink. I can't quite think of how to release the jam with the spoon under it, but I guess once I try, it should be fine..Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe, the muffins look soft and light!

  12. Kids would be excited to find the oozing surprise from inside the muffin. So cute!

  13. Bookmarking this!!!Looks awesome
