Tuesday Treat ~ Eggless Pineapple - Semolina Cake
This 'fruity' semolina cake is one of my favorites and I keep rotating fruits in the recipe to have a different flavored one each time I prepare it. I have already posted the banana and mango flavored ones. Recently when we got the pineapple home, we forgot to cut it until it went overripe and my husband asked whether I could make a dessert out of it. The request was kinda surprising knowing that he is not fond of sweet dishes and he loves to eat the fruit in it's natural form. I thought he may love some halwa but ditched the idea when I realized that a recipe that can be used for the baking marathon would also serve my purpose. The result was this yummy cake full of pineapple flavor. I prepared a small sized loaf in a one cup capacity pan. The final cake would be soft even though it looks gritty from the surface.
1/2 cup semolina
1/2 cup pineapple puree (Grind pineapple pieces for the puree.)
1/2 tsp baking powder.
3 to 4 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. melted butter
Few drops of pineapple essence
Few drops yellow food color (optional)
1 tbsp. slivered almonds (or substitute other nuts)
1 tbsp. raisins
* Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, reserving about 1 tsp. of almond slivers. Keep the bowl covered for 10 minutes. The final batter should not be runny and if it is, allow it to rest for few minutes more.
* Preheat the oven at 375 deg F.
* Grease a baking pan. This batter doesn't rise much and so the batter can be filled up to 3/4th of the pan. I used a one cup capacity
baking pan for this quantity.

* Pour the batter into the pan and sprinkle with almonds. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted at the center comes out clean.
* Cool the cake, slice and serve.
That is one amazing cake with pineapple. It must have tasted awesome.
Cake looks delicious and pineapple must have enchanced the flavor of the cake
That's one brilliant idea to bake this dish..looks so heavenly!
Wow!!love the texture of the cake,must be a flavorful cake with pineapple.. Looks amazing.
delicious and perfectly baked cake.
Baked pineapple kesari. Love it
Absolutely incredible, wat a cake yaa, just loving it.
Fresh fruit in cake always enhance favor. This pineapple flavored cake sounds delicious.
These semolina cakes are in my too. Need to try it out soon. Yours has come out nicely
Moist and soft cake!! Nice to see pineapple and rava combination other than kesari!!
I love pineapple kesaribhath so this is a natural affinity to this bake.. Looks so good
By the way is that a typo Suma ? 1 tbsp oil is enough ? Or am I missing something ?
Kalyani, it's not a typo. 1 tbsp. butter is enough for this recipe.
Tempting cake.
Such a moist and soft cake.. Wow very nicely made
Looks delicious with a wonderful texture. Semolina gives a amazing texture to the cakes.
What a lovely colour and texture! This looks so delicious...
What a lovely combination of ingredients!
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