This is going to be a part of BM # 37 under the theme of "National Foods". I am in a hurry and will update the post later. I have just given the ingredients and method as I had to update for the blogging marathon.
Ingredients: (Make a dozen.)
2 cups soaked and coarsely ground chickpeas (and/or fava beans)
1 cup packed parsley and/or cilantro leaves
1 - 2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 big onion, finely minced
1 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp.coriander powder
1/2 tsp chili powder / 1 -2 green chilies, minced
Salt to taste
3 -4 tbsp. all purpose flour to bind
1 tsp. baking soda
Oil to fry falafel (I used canola oil.)

Do not grind the mixture into a paste. It should be granular. I like it a bit on the coarser side and just kept it that way.
* Falafels can be deep fried, shallow fried or even baked. I chose to go with deep frying this time. Heat a pan with oil. When you drop a pea sized mixture into the hot oil, if it sizzles and comes to surface then it is ready for frying.
* Add baking soda to the mixture just before frying. Take a lemon sized mixture and gently pat it into a disc.
* Gently drop this into the hot oil. Repeat the step and fry as many discs as your pan can hold. Fry on low medium flame until they turn brown through out. Keep flipping in between with a spatula.