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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Peach - Saffron Shrikhand

The lovely peaches always remind me the luscious mangoes I ate, back home. I feel their flavors are kind of similar. From a long time, I therefore have been toying around the idea of a peach shrikhand along the lines of amrakhand. The Fruit of a month - Peach and Think spice - Saffron events were the perfect occasions for me to create this shrikhand version.
Shrikhand, the delightful Indian dessert is prepared using strained yogurt and sugar with the addition of saffron and cardamom flavorings. While it is eaten as a dessert in Maharashtra, shrikhand is served as a side dish to pooris in Gujarathi Cuisine.

This shrikhand was so yummy and tempting that we could not wait till it chilled.
Ingredients for about a cup of shrikhand:
Yogurt - 3 cups (yogurt prepared from whole milk is preferred)
Sugar - 1/4 cup (or more depending upon the sweetness preferred)
Peach slices (bigger ones) - 4 to 5
Saffron - Two pinches
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Chopped almonds and pistachios - 1 Tbsp
Warm milk - 1 Tbsp

Spoon the yogurt into a muslin cloth/ thin cotton cloth and tie into a knot. Put a cutting board / flat plate in the sink. Place the cloth with the yogurt on it. Place another flat item like a cutting board over it. Then place a heavy object (I usually place a big bowl with water) over the top cutting board. Let it remain for a couple of hours. By the time, the water / whey from the yogurt would have drained and you would be left with a thick block of yogurt (about a cup). (If you don't want to drain the whey down the sink, you can collect it by placing a bowl underneath the cutting board).

Thick, water / whey drained yogurt in the cotton cloth
  • Soak a pinch of saffron in the warm milk.
  • Powder the sugar. I have found powdering the sugar makes it more convenient while mixing it with yogurt. You can use it with out powdering as well.
  • Puree the peach slices in a blender. I have used peach slices from the can. If using fresh fruit, peel and use it accordingly.
  • Combine thick yogurt, peach puree, sugar, cardamom powder, milk with the saffron and stir / whisk well. Use a blender if needed. (I added all the items together since powdered sugar was used. If not using powdered sugar, first combine the yogurt and sugar and thoroughly stir till all the sugar is dissolved. Then add the remaining ingredients).
  • Cover and chill shrikhand until it is ready to serve.
  • Warm the other pinch of saffron in MW for 30 seconds and crush it with your fingers.
  • Sprinkle the crushed saffron and nuts before serving.

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Kribha said...

2 in 1. Excellent idea. Beautiful presentation and recipe.I'm craving for some right now. That mellow peach and saffron color makes the shrikhand drool-worthy.I'm also doing some last minute work. Posting something for viji.

Nabeela said...

Very interesting entry for AFAM! Love the idea of peaches in a shrikhand

Unknown said...

Shrikand with peaches, loved it. Beautiful colour too.

Anonymous said...

Srikhand is yummy.. and that too with peach and saffron... yummm.... divine!!!

Swaruchy said...

wow Suma...What a lovely looking Shrikhand.....Drool.....:-)

Sia said...

eek teer do nishan??? u r way cool girl:)

Swaroopa said...

amazing and creative idea. cant wait to try it. very nutritious & looks yum!!!

FH said...

First time I ate Shrikanda is in Hubli, loved it. I eat it as dessert, can't imagine eating with Poories!:D

sunita said...

Absolutely beautiful...thanks Suma.

Richa said...

i agree, they do hv similar flavors...
BEAUTIFUL :) i make peach lassi and shrikhand sure sounds yum :)

Rina said...

Hey, I have some peaches and saffron left from my entry. Should try this out soon. Very unique combo. Thx for sharing.

TBC said...

Looks very nice, Suma. Not a big fan of Srikhands/Amarkhands:-(

ushaprashanth said...

Hi suma!
Perfect entry for both the events!!!!

Sharmi said...

very delicious looking recipe! nice entry too! long since I had some:(

Tee said...

Srikhand and peaches...lovely combo! I feel like scooping some srikhand from your bowl...yum! :)

Mansi said...

Thanks Suma! lovely combo:) mostly everyone si pairinf up peaches and saffron this month for the 2 events! saves a lot of time na? shrikhand is yummy, I think I'll make it for lunch tomorrow:)

Anonymous said...

That looks awesome. I may want to try it sometime. Great entry.

Namratha said...

I love Shrikhand but unfortunately not peaches, can I substitute peaches with Mango or Mango puree? Would love to try this.

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea. Never thought of peach in Shrikhandh.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE shirkand, though I must admit that my favourite is mango shirkhand!

Please please check out my blog if you like Indian Vegetarian cookery, because I am in the processing of self-publishing a cookery book. I'm only 17, but I've written an amazing book and I really want it to be successful!

I have a lovely recipe for Mango shirkand in my book too! ;)

Sreelu said...

Suma,very delicious

Suma Gandlur said...

Namratha,You can absolutely substitute mango /mango puree in this recipe. Mango shrikhand is a popular one. Infact, I have used peaches instead of mangoes.

Padma said...

That looks so delicious Suma, Love the photos....peach shrikhand sounds incredible, did u check my amrakhand?

Viji said...

Looks inviting Suma. Viji

Anonymous said...

Hi Suma,

Do we get muslin cloth in USA?

Julie said...

Mmm, peaches and yogurt are a classic, but it just sounds decadent with saffron! How wonderful!